Looking Out… Looking In… an exhibition about Deafness


When I was growing up, my deafness was marginally more interesting to me than, say, my freckles. It was not something I focussed on, nor was it central to my identity. I just accepted that I was ‘damaged goods’ and assumed it would take a very kind person in my future to marry me! These days my take on Deafness is very different. I’ve been exploring what it means for me to be Deaf, and together with Irene Holub, have created an art exhibition which reflects this journey. If you’re in Melbourne, I would love you to come and see it.

It’s at St Helier Street Gallery at Cam’s Cafe
Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Helier Street, Abbotsford

Please join us for drinks on opening night: Friday 2 Sept 6pm
Exhibition runs until 28th Sept.

RSVP here.

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